Monday, 22 October 2018

Learn one Chinese Character a day - 判

Yes, the character is 判. Note the knife (刂) is added to 半. The original representation of 判 is then clear now: using knife to divide the Buffalo into two parts.

Let us check if there is any surprises from its ancient scripts: (image taken from
Evolution history of 判

So there is no surprise. There was neither Oracle Script nor Bronze Script for 判. Most likely Chinese ancestors used 半 during that period. Starting from Seal Script, knife () was added to form , which is pretty much the same as our modern form 判.

判 has the meaning of break down, separate or distinguish. for example: 判别.

In ancient China, it is always a very important and crucial matter to divide the Buffalo fairly to all members of a tribe, normally by tribe leader. 判 thus was born to contain the meaning of judgement and making decisions with authority, besides its original meaning. So 判 also has the meaning of judge, identify or determine. for example: 裁判
The 审判 from King Solomon

That is all for 判, it is now a time for us to enjoy a Chinese calligraphy with 判 inside:
。。。 朝议郎,判尚书,武部员外郎,琅琊颜真(卿书)。。。

Monday, 8 October 2018

Learn one Chinese Character a day - 半

our character today - 半 is also related to 牛, though it is not that obvious. We can see their relationship clearly in its ancient scripts below: (image taken from:)
evolution history of 半

from its Bronze script , it is composed of (八) and (牛). Recall that 八 has the original meaning of "divide". so  has the original meaning of divide the buffalo into half.

Its Clerical Script  transformed a lot and was eventually evolved to its current form: 半.

Eventually 半 is borrowed to present the meaning of half, or part of  something, or not whole of.

As usual, Chinese ancestors then created a new character to represent the meaning of divide buffalo into half. Before revealing which Chinese character it is, what would you add to 半 for creating the new character?

That is all for 半, time to enjoy a Chinese calligraphy with 半 inside: