We have learnt the most important two sentences of 《论语》: 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? Let us move on the prepare ourselves for its next sentence: 不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?
Our character today is thus 知. With our knowledge already have, 知 can be easily decomposed to 矢 and 口. What could be the possible combination meanings?
a. the arrow (矢) shot at the entrance or the target (口)?
b. Talk (口) about the arrow or archery (矢)?
Before we jump to answers, let us examine the evolution history of 知 to help our understanding:
知 evolution history |

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戈 |
Now it should be clear that candidate b is the correct answer.
script of 知 is a drawing to represent (someone) talking / teaching archery
and how to use weapon

when it comes to later stage of Bronze script
is simplified by removing
. And eventual
becomes what we write today 知. Below is a vivid scene of what 知 represents:

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知 |
So 知 originally represents the meaning of some expert teaching / sharing knowledge of archery and warring weapon. It thus has the meaning of knowing or mastering, for example 知道, and know-how or knowledge, for example 知识.
That is all for 知, time to enjoy a Chinese calligraphy with 知 inside:
知书达礼;勤俭持家。 |