We have just completed our learning of first full sentence of 《论语》: 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?
Let us take some time to go back to the Chinese characters we have learnt during the journey so that we can pick up a few low-hanging fruits from the characters tree.
today we are examining 麦 | 麥, which is related to 来 | 來. Their Traditional versions 麥 and 來 clearly represented the relationship: an extra (radical 夊) has been added to bottom of 来 | 來. Recall what we have learnt with character 各 at https://xiongzou.blogspot.com/2016/05/5-learn-one-chinese-character-day.html, we knew already that 夊 has the meaning of coming to. 来 | 來 originally is the drawing of a wheat, which has been borrowed to represent the meaning of to come / to arrive. Chinese ancestors then added the foot
(radical 夊) to emphasize the fact that 麦 | 麥 is the wheat that comes from foreign countries or wheat is a blessing coming from heaven.
To conclude, 麦 | 麥 means wheat.
We can examine its ancient scripts to have a better understanding:
evolution history of 麦 | 麥 |
That is all for 麦 | 麥 and time to enjoy a Chinese calligraphy with it inside:
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荆州麦熟茧成蛾,缲丝忆君头绪多。 |