Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Learn one Chinese Character a day - "日"

from studying Chinese character "众" or "", we get know of "日", which means sun.

let us see the evolution history of "日" to understand why it means sun.
Learn one Chinese Character a day - "日"
In early stage of Oracle script  is composed of  outside, which Chinese ancestors usually used to mean the space, while inside referring to a circular object. Chinese ancestors created this character to mean Sun in understanding that Sun is the most important star to us in the whole universe space. later Oracle script and are just the simplified version of . Guess it is nature of people that we are always lazy in what we are repeatedly doing. 

When it evolved to Seal script , it is already to have connected to its rectangle boarders. The way of writing "日" became more abstracted. 

so "日" means Sun, and since during the daytime Sun is always there shining upon us, "日" also means Daytime. referring to the same perception, "日" is extended to mean a Day. 

Let us enjoy a Chinese Calligraphy to end our today's learning:
Learn one Chinese Character a day - "日"
 I am sure that you can already recognize two Chinese characters from above calligraphy art - "日" and "".

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