We have learnt "人" and some of the 会意字, created with "人", (会意 - huìyì: Logical aggregates, in which two or more parts are used for their meaning. This yields a composite meaning, which is then applied to the new character.) which are "从", "比", "北". Today we check for "化". Let us look at its evolution history first - (image get from
Learn one Chinese Character a day - "化" |
"化" in Oracle script.gif)
is composed of
( A man walking upright to one direction )
and jian(2).gif)
(A man headstand walking to opposite direction). Chinese ancestors thought the biggest
change is that a man's behaviors are completely reversed. And thus
Change. And it is then extended to mean
Transform as well.
Bronze script
, Seal script
are still close variation of Oracle script
. While Clerical script

is greatly simplified to be close to what we are using now -
To end today's learning, as usual we enjoy a Chinese calligraphy art with "化" inside:
造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。...... 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 |
Above poem is describing one of five greatest mountains in China. Below is one of its pictures.
会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 |
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