Today we are examine another Chinese character created with 皿 (a container), which is 益. Looking at 益 of today, we would not be able to reason its meaning. But if we know its Seal Script -

, we would probably guess something close? Anyway let us check its evolution history first: ( image taken from
Learn one Chinese Character a day - 益 |
Seal Script of 益 -

is composed of

on top of a 皿. What is

? If we recall Seal Script of 水 (water) as

. Then

is now a vivid drawing of what is shown in below picture:
what original meaning of 益 presents |
Yes, original meaning of 益 is "water overflows a container".
Now if we look back to Oracle Script of 益 -

, it represents another layer of meaning that "pouring water (

) into a container (

Bronze Script

has tried to change


to emphasise the fact that water overflows and is separated. However it is still confusing as

could be read as


, where

means eight or divide and

means blood as what we just learnt.
That is why at Seal Script age, Chinese ancestor further tuned the character into

to make it clear and sound.
From its Oracle Script

, 益 was eventually borrowed to mean
add or increase as verb, and
more or further in adv.
As same as what is stated in the picture above - "My cup overflows with your blessings", pouring water into someone's own cup is like providing benefits to that person, that is why 益 is further extended to mean benefits or goodness or interests.
Since 益 now lost its original meaning, Chinese ancestors then created a new one in the place of it. If it were you, how would you do that? We will reveal the answer next.
Before ending our lesson today, let us now enjoy a Chinese calligraphy with 益 inside:
心宽益寿,德高延年 |