Sunday, 7 November 2021

Meaning of 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?

We have prepared well for understanding the meaning of the third sentence of the most important classic of Confucianism: 《论语》: 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? To start, we will review the meaning of each Chinese character of it.

It is drawing of a person.

It means not.

It is composed of 矢 and 口, which represents the meaning of some expert teaching / sharing knowledge of archery and warring weapon. And here it is used to mean knowing / understanding. 

It is a drawing of a lot of long beard, which represents the relationship of equality or similarity of things it connects.

It means not.

愠 | 慍:
It represents warming / heating up the heart, and is used to mean being angry or indignant.


It means not.

It means same, as well or too.

It is originally represent the person who holding the power and giving orders, which is eventually used to mean people with great heart or noble person.

It is used to mean baby mostly, and it is used to mean Love and Respect especially as it is after 君 here.

It means shout loudly, or it can be understood as modal particle.

Before you check out our answer below, please take the last chance to try to reason the meaning of the sentence "人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?" yourself.


And here we go the answer:

Modern Chinese first: "不被人了解而不生气,这不就是君子吗?"

English next: "If a person can keep calm and patient while he is being misunderstood, is not he a noble gentleman?"

If you have a different mother tongue, you are welcome to provide translation for your own mother tongue. And of course if you have different translation for modern Chinese or English, you are welcome to provide your version as well.

That is all for today, let us enjoy again another Chinese calligraphy of "不知而不愠,不亦君子乎"


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