Today's new character looks very similar with what we just learnt 末. Both have an indicator at treetop. with 末 a longer dash

, 未 a shorter dash.
It is believed that
未 used to contain the same meaning as 末. When time passed, 未 was then used to mean something else.
To know its meaning better, let us examine its evolution history first: (image get from
Learn one Chinese Character a day - 未 |
Oracle Script of 未 -

is to add extra branches

to a tree

. It is to mean leafy. But comparing with trees with plenty of fruit -

, the difference is that

has not bear any fruit yet.

or its modern writing 未 has the meaning of
not yet or
in the future.
And of course, 未 contains its original meaning for
the season that trees are leafy but not fruitful yet. This original meaning is not frequently used any longer.
As usual, let us enjoy a Chinese calligraphy with 未 inside:
子建相逢恐未真,人言个是洛川神 |
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